Chit Value : ₹1,00,000
Monthly Amount to Pay | ₹5000 |
Total Months | 20 |
Maximum Amount to Pay | ₹88,361* |
Maximum Dividend Can be Earned | 11% |
Maximum Amount can be Received through auction | ₹95,000 |
Chit Value : ₹25,00,000
Monthly Amount to Pay | ₹1,00,000 |
Total Months | 25 |
Maximum Amount to Pay | ₹21,63,508* |
Maximum Dividend Can be Earned | 13% |
Maximum Amount can be Received through auction | ₹23,75,000 |
Chit Value : ₹2,50,000
Monthly Amount to Pay | ₹10,000 |
Total Months | 25 |
Maximum Amount to Pay | ₹2,13,620* |
Maximum Dividend Can be Earned | 14% |
Maximum Amount can be Received through auction | ₹2,35,000 |
Chit Value : ₹10,00,000
Monthly Amount to Pay | ₹40,000 |
Total Months | 25 |
Maximum Amount to Pay | ₹8,56,788* |
Maximum Dividend Can be Earned | 14% |
Maximum Amount can be Received through auction | ₹9,50,000 |
Chit Value : ₹1,00,000
Monthly Amount to Pay | ₹4,000 |
Total Months | 25 |
Maximum Amount to Pay | ₹85,465* |
Maximum Dividend Can be Earned | 14% |
Maximum Amount can be Received through auction | ₹95,000 |
Chit Value : ₹1,50,000
Monthly Amount to Pay | ₹6,000 |
Total Months | 25 |
Maximum Amount to Pay | ₹1,26,380* |
Maximum Dividend Can be Earned | 15% |
Maximum Amount can be Received through auction | ₹1,42,500 |
Chit Value : ₹5,00,000
Monthly Amount to Pay | ₹20,000 |
Total Months | 25 |
Maximum Amount to Pay | ₹4,29,244* |
Maximum Dividend Can be Earned | 14% |
Maximum Amount can be Received through auction | ₹4,75,000 |
Chit Value : ₹3,00,000
Monthly Amount to Pay | ₹10,000 |
Total Months | 30 |
Maximum Amount to Pay | ₹2,56,622* |
Maximum Dividend Can be Earned | 14% |
Maximum Amount can be Received through auction | ₹2,85,000 |
Chit Value : ₹2,00,000
Monthly Amount to Pay | ₹5,000 |
Total Months | 40 |
Maximum Amount to Pay | ₹1,60,209* |
Maximum Dividend Can be Earned | 19% |
Maximum Amount can be Received through auction | ₹1,90,000 |
Chit Value : ₹20,00,000
Monthly Amount to Pay | ₹50,000 |
Total Months | 40 |
Maximum Amount to Pay | ₹16,28,092* |
Maximum Dividend Can be Earned | 18% |
Maximum Amount can be Received through auction | ₹19,00,000 |
Chit Value : ₹5,00,000
Monthly Amount to Pay | ₹12,500 |
Total Months | 40 |
Maximum Amount to Pay | ₹3,99,543* |
Maximum Dividend Can be Earned | 20% |
Maximum Amount can be Received through auction | ₹4,75,000 |
Chit Value : ₹10,00,000
Monthly Amount to Pay | ₹25,000 |
Total Months | 40 |
Maximum Amount to Pay | ₹8,13,504* |
Maximum Dividend Can be Earned | 18% |
Maximum Amount can be Received through auction | ₹9,50,000 |
Chit Value : ₹50,00,000
Monthly Amount to Pay | ₹1,25,000 |
Total Months | 40 |
Maximum Amount to Pay | ₹39,42,102* |
Maximum Dividend Can be Earned | 21% |
Maximum Amount can be Received through auction | ₹47,50,000 |
Chit Value : ₹50,00,000
Monthly Amount to Pay | ₹1,00,000 |
Total Months | 50 |
Maximum Amount to Pay | ₹41,45,829* |
Maximum Dividend Can be Earned | 17% |
Maximum Amount can be Received through auction | ₹47,50,000 |
Chit Value : ₹10,00,000
Monthly Amount to Pay | ₹20,000 |
Total Months | 50 |
Maximum Amount to Pay | ₹7,94,822* |
Maximum Dividend Can be Earned | 20 % |
Maximum Amount can be Received through auction | ₹9,50,000 |
Chit Value : ₹2,50,000
Monthly Amount to Pay | ₹5,000 |
Total Months | 50 |
Maximum Amount to Pay | ₹2,02,255* |
Maximum Dividend Can be Earned | 19 % |
Maximum Amount can be Received through auction | ₹2,37,500 |
Chit Value : ₹5,00,000
Monthly Amount to Pay | ₹10,000 |
Total Months | 50 |
Maximum Amount to Pay | ₹3,90,070* |
Maximum Dividend Can be Earned | 21% |
Maximum Amount can be Received through auction | ₹4,75,000 |
Chit Value : ₹15,00,000
Monthly Amount to Pay | ₹30,000 |
Total Months | 50 |
Maximum Amount to Pay | ₹12,52,197* |
Maximum Dividend Can be Earned | 16% |
Maximum Amount can be Received through auction | ₹14,25,000 |
Chit Value : ₹3,00,000
Monthly Amount to Pay | ₹6,000 |
Total Months | 50 |
Maximum Amount to Pay | ₹2,44,368* |
Maximum Dividend Can be Earned | 18% |
Maximum Amount can be Received through auction | ₹2,85,000 |
Chit Value : ₹25,00,000
Monthly Amount to Pay | ₹50,000 |
Total Months | 50 |
Maximum Amount to Pay | ₹20,03,842* |
Maximum Dividend Can be Earned | 19% |
Maximum Amount can be Received through auction | ₹23,75,000 |
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